Dear Friends,
We hear a lot about EH&S 3rd party content like Phrases or regulatory content and their significance for driving cost effective regulatory compliance and also to drive MSDS Authoring serives. These 3rd party regulatory data consists of Phrases (majority of those are from CED), Regulatory Data, Expert Rules, Standard EHS Properties (it actually updates the standard property tree) and Report Layouts, which will be a significant help given the huge time and money is required for complying regulatory needs. and legal requirements. This data is used for regulatory classification of substances as well as authoring of material safety datasheets.
Using these SAP EH&S Automated datasets with EH&S Expert Rules, Open Content Connector for DG and PS Regulatory Data it is possible tocreate legal documents in a quick, cost effective and reliable manner. The use of these automated tools reduces the implementation time, eliminates point solutions and multiple interface development requirements and also ensures on going adaptation and enhancements according to changes in legislations.
The best practice involving 3rd party tools involve the following steps like i) Create or change a substance ii) Call EH&S Open Content Connector iii) Load and evaluate the header XML iv) Select what data shall be downloaded, v) Load substance data from the corresponding XML file vi) Show the data to user to set flags, vii) Save data and viii) Save data into EH&S Database ix) Use the updated information for triggering secondary data determination using EH&S Expert Rules like driving automated MSDS making and x) Use of Standardizied templates to generate reports.
Hi Jak,
ReplyDeleteDo you know any way to get an demo info dataset, for training purpouses?
Hello Xabier,
ReplyDeleteYou can not get a sample of these files separately but the moment you install the EH&S Expert consisting of EH&S Open Content Connector, EH&S Expert and Rule Editor - it creates a demo data set.
EH&S OCC demo files consists of XML header file, mapping dataset whereas for EH&S Expert you can get a sampel Rule File, mapping dataset.
Similarly the WWI server also provides sample MSDS templates. For Phrases, the dat files are available in Market place - with REACH Compliance 1.1. Installation notes.
thank you, i will try it now
ReplyDeleteOne important player in the 3rd party data content provider and tools is 3E/Ariel.