Friday, January 22, 2010

GRI software certification program what it is?

Hello Friends,

Recently we hear a lot on GRI - Software and Tools program and SAP SuPM is the first software to be certified for it. What is this certifiation all about? What is the advantage in getting certified for Software and Tools program ? Here it goes.

The GRI software and Tools program is certifying “tools and softwares” that contain GRI copyrighted content like - GRI Reporting Framework, GRI Learning Publications, Sector Supplements or any other publication data protected by GRI copyright law. GRI certifications does not endorse or recommend software, it only certifies the GRI content is correctly used and further, does not carry any responsibility for the quality or use of the overall tool or software that contains GRI Content
Since SAP BO Sustainability Performance Management provides a predefined core and additional KPIs content and associated protocols based on Global Reporting Initiative G3 Framework, this certification provides a level of assurance that the software contains correct usage of GRI content and reference to GRI, completeness of content, appropriate division of elements, clear demarcation between GRI and other reporting frameworks.

The major elements for which GRI checks the software include i) Complete GRI Guidelines ii) Defining Report content, quality and boundary, iii) Complete standard disclosures iv) Sector supplements v) Learning publications or vi) Other GRI copy righted content. GRI holds right to certify parts of elements instead of complete GRI elements; the applying authority needs to inform GRI prior to entering into MoU, what GRI elements they want to be certified for.

GRI software certification process involves i) processing of application form ii) signing of MoU iii) agreement of non disclosure iv) content check v) issuing certificate vi) Announcement in GRI Website and vii) Finally annual update.

This level of assurance will be a major welcome in the Industry, as the recent one paragraph of wrong information in 900+ pages of report put IPCC their reputation in stake.


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